Iran Execute Seven prisoners ". Seven executions and two amputations in five days

Iran: Seven executions and two amputations in five days The Iranian regime’s public prosecutor in Sari (northern Iran) on Saturday ( January 26) announced the amputation of fingers of a prisoner in city’s prison. The prisoner had been charged with robbery. Two days earlier, regime’s henchmen amputated four fingers of a 29 year old man in public in Shiraz. The city’s public prosecutor Ali Alghasi described the amputation as “serious warning” to all those who “cause insecurity”. He emphasized that the agenda of the judiciary is “decisiveness and intolerance”. Furthermore, according to state-run media outlets, a 27 year old prisoner was hanged publicly in Kerman on January 26. Also seven other prisoners were executed in past five days: two prisoners in Ilam and Shahroud on January 24, one prisoner in Khorramdarreh on January 23, and three prisoners in Qazvin on January 22. Putting up the gallows in prisons and cities across the country and carrying out inhuman punishment...